Wednesday 19 July 2017

7 Exercises That Can Help Relieve Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Pain

Your sacroiliac joint is located in your pelvis area. These are the joints that connect the large bones that form your pelvis, which are the iliac bones, to the scrotum of your spine. Wear and tear of aging, injury due to fall or severe impact, an abnormal gait certain medical conditions, or loosening ligaments due to hormone changes during pregnancy are some of the possible reasons why this area get irritated and become painful. Aside from a visit to a spine specialist like chiropractor, here are some exercises that can help ease the pain so that you don’t have to reach for a pill every time.

1.      Knee-to-Chest Stretch

This stretch may be gentle but when done regularly can be very effective relieving pain since this targets both your back and your hips.

Step 1: Begin by lying on your back with your legs extended.

Step 2: Exhale as you draw one knee to your chest and hold that position for 5-10 seconds with the help of your hands.

Step 3:  Let go of that leg and inhale as you lower it back to that mat and repeat with the other leg.

Step 4: Do this for 8-10 repetitions for each leg.

Step 5: If you have severe back pain, it would be better to do this stretch with the unengaged leg in a bent position with the foot flat on the ground as this can make the exercise less painful.
2.      Knee Rotation

This is another sacroiliac joint pain exercise that is gentle yet effective. You shouldn’t have trouble performing this since it’s a very easy stretch.

Step 1: Start by lying on your back with both your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.  

Step 2:  To make this exercise effective, try to keep your upper back parallel to the ground as much as possible.

Step 3: Now, keep your lower spine still as you use both your knees to sway to the left. Hold your knees to the floor for a couple of second before returning them to the center.

Step 4: Repeat the same process to your right side.

Step 5: Do this for 8-10 repetition for each side.

3.      Bridge

This one is a favorite among women who likes to build their glutes. But aside from that it’s also a great way to ease sacroiliac joint pain since it strengthens your glutes and lower back.

Step 1:  Begin by lying on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

Step 2: Your arms should be against your body and palms facing the floor for support.

Step 3: Now, squeeze your glutes all the way as you raise your hips off the ground so that your torso is in a straight diagonal line.

Step 4: Hold for 5-10 second before you slowly lower your hips back to the ground.

Step 5: Do this for 8-10 times.
4.      Cobra

This is a famous yoga pose that most people recognize. This pose is especially effective for those with overly mobile SI joints.

Step 1: To do this, you have to lie on your stomach.

Step 2:  Slide your hands beneath your shoulders and extend your arms to lift your upper body, but make sure your pelvis and legs stays on the ground.

Step 3: Focus on pulling your shoulders down and away from your ears as well as on relaxing your lower back and buttocks.

Step 4: Hold for 15-30 seconds before you slowly lower yourself back to the floor.

Step 5: Do this for 3 times.
5.      Triangle Pose

This is another yoga pose that help strengthen the Si joint which reduces pain in that area.

Step 1: To this pose correctly, stand in a wider-than-shoulder-width stance.

Step 2: Point the toes of your right foot to the right and extend your arms out from the body so that they are parallel to the floor.

Step 3: Next, slowly bend so that your right hand touches the floor along the outside of your right foot and stretch your left arm up toward the sky.

Step 4: Turn your head and gaze up at your extended left arm.

Step 5: Hold this pose for 10 to 20 seconds and then repeat the process on the opposite side.

Step 6: Remember that you should only be doing this pose if your joint is stable and you’re not in pain because this pose involve twists.
6.      Child’s Pose Stretch

If you’ve started taking up yoga, you’d be doing this pose a lot because it helps your stretch your hips and thighs and relax your muscles by focusing on breathing.

Step 1:  To begin, be on all your fours.

Step 2: Your knees should be spread apart but your feet touching each other as you slowly rest your buttocks on your heels with your arms still extended and hands not leaving the floor.

Step 3: Now, try to reach as far as you can forward.

Step 4: Hold this up to a minute and repeat in between stretches as needed.
7.      Bird Dog

This is a classic core exercise that emphasizes lower back strength and balance.

Step 1: For this exercise, you will start on your hands and knees. Look at the ground to make sure your spine and neck is in neutral position.

Step 2: Try to simultaneously extend your right leg behind and left arm forward.

Step 3: Prevent your back from arching by keeping your shoulders and hips straight.

Step 4: Hold the position for at least 5 seconds, despite difficulty to balance at the first few reps.

Step 5: Do 6-10 repetition per side.

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