Monday 10 April 2017

Top 5 Best Practices That Define A Successful Wellness Program

Since majority of the reason for an employee’s absences is due to health issues, companies nowadays try to incorporate wellness programs into their office environment. However, only a few of them actually have comprehensive programs that produces better health outcomes among employees as well as improved performance at work which naturally happens when employees are healthier.

Whether you’re on a job hunt and is seriously considering this aspect in a company you’d like to work for or have been in a company in a while but wonders if your workplace is doing a good job at this, here are some cues that will help you determine that.  

1.      Programs Are Practical And Accessible
Does it seem like the company gym is only available during the most hectic hour at work? Or the company only has the gym as their wellness program and nothing else? This means the company is hardly putting effort into wellness program. Because a comprehensive wellness initiative offers variety of scheduled programs where employees can choose from and easily fit into their schedule.

2.      The Work Environment Is Health-Conscious
It’s no use having a company that has wellness programs if the environment within the office doesn’t contribute to healthy practices. The cafeteria should offer healthier food options that can be easily seen, even vending machines should be filled with appealing but healthier foods and drinks, no-smoking policy should be strictly implemented and cleanliness, regular and appropriate breaks, regulated noise, spaces for walking or other physical activity should be encouraged.

3.      Wellness Is Integrated Into The Company's Structure
Leading a healthier lifestyle and doing well at work shouldn’t feel like a tug-of-war. Therefore it’s important that a company establish wellness programs that are embedded in everything the organization does. Otherwise it would come off as hypocrisy if the company wants employees to be healthy but makes their people work longer hours or doesn’t even offer reasonable health benefits.

4.      Wellness Is Linked To Existing Support Programs
You know the company is genuinely concerned about their employees’ wellness when employee assistance programs and other support systems are in place. How can an employee enjoy a company’s wellness program if it contradicts the company’s existing support programs in any way? Like having smoking cessation program but doesn’t give any discount on health insurance premiums to those who successfully complete the program.

5.      Health Screenings And Education Are Offered
Wellness Programs isn’t all about offering free gym membership or just having smoking cessation programs. A lot of people know they should quit smoking but doesn’t because they don’t realize how much damage it can do to their body.  Offering voluntary screenings while giving incentives to those who participates encourages employees to be educated about their own health is important too. This also helps companies develop programs around issues that most affect their employees.

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